Mount and blade strategy
Mount and blade strategy

Cataphracts were historically used to break up and open enemy formations, allowing the skoutai, or Byzantine infantry/spearmen, to move through these gaps and attack the enemy. The use of your tactics determines whether a battle is flawless or flawed.

mount and blade strategy

With your archers constantly putting pressure on them, the javelins should kill some and weaken the enemy. Once you’ve advanced to within striking distance of the enemy, make sure your infantry fires their javelins before engaging. You’ll always want your troops close to your infantry, not only to protect them but also to collaborate once you’ve closed the gap with the enemy. If things get dicey, you’ll have your troops ready to rush to the aid of either the infantry or the archers. If the enemy cavalry tries to disorient your lines while the infantry is being targeted, your archers will be supporting the infantry on the flanks, harassing the enemy cavalry, and shooting at the enemy’s range.

mount and blade strategy mount and blade strategy

The range will target your infantry, but their shields should suffice. The game has been To run Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord on high graphics settings your PC will require at least a 2. When advancing on an enemy who has ranged them, your infantry will be advised to hold fire and shield walls.

Mount and blade strategy