Call of duty waw unhandled exception caught
Call of duty waw unhandled exception caught

Navigate to the Local Files tab and click the Browse Local Files button.

  • Right-click on its entry and choose Properties.
  • Switch over to the Library sub-section and locate Black Ops 2 in the list of games you own in your library.
  • Make sure you start Steam by double-clicking its icon on the Desktop or by searching for it in Start menu.
  • Try reinstalling them from within the game’s root folder and check to see if it helps. However, there is a reason why the game ships with that version of tools such as Visual C++ and DirectX installations. The game will offer to install these libraries but plenty of users skip this during installations as other games install them as well. Solution 1: Install the Proper Visual C Libraries and DirectX Versions Users often skip these installations during the initial install process but it’s possible that the game works best when its own libraries are installed.Īlso, new Windows 10 updates set it further back from being fully compatible with older games so it’s possible that running the game in compatibility mode for older versions of Windows might fix the problem. The most common causes for this error are improperly installed important libraries such as the Visual C one and DirectX. What Causes Black Ops 2 Unhandled Exception Caught?

    Call of duty waw unhandled exception caught